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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where Is The Hope? (Post Election Day challenge for Christians)

When I’m feeling down it always makes me feel better when I write, whether I’m writing a song or writing down thoughts that are for no one to see except God or writing something like I’m writing now. What I write now is specifically for Christians, but for as many people as will read it. It’s hard to even know where to begin. I just pray God will use me.

Our Country stood at a crossroad before the election. Now, the people have been heard and the path has been set as to what man will lead this Country for, at least, the next four years. I am, as I know many others are, struggling with the decision of the majority of the USA. It is hard for me to look back on my short life of 26 years and think that it has come this far from what it was when I was a young child. (When I was two, Reagan won in a landslide claiming every state but one.) I had prayed for this election and for this Country long and hard in the weeks leading up to it. The past few months I have rested on a verse that my pastor used in a sermon in July. – “If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.” (Jeremiah 18:7&8) I prayed that this would be our Nation, that we would start showing signs of “turning from our evil” by refusing to elect an evil man into our highest office. In Malachi God says, “Return to Me and I will return to you.” (3:7) God is never-changing and He is the same today as He was then.

Now that our Country has made its decision, there are many worries among believers. I have seen anger, fear and sadness. I understand this because I too have felt them, but what we must all do is turn to God’s Word for direction in these times because “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40:29) The afternoon of the election I was listening to my music as I drove down the road and the song Heaven In The Real World, by my favorite singer/songwriter, Steven Curtis Chapman, came on. Before the song begins you hear the voice of Chuck Colson and this is what he says: "Where is the hope? I meet millions who tell me that they feel demoralized by the decay around us. Where is the hope? The hope that each of us have is not in who governs us, or what laws are passed, or what great things that we do as a nation. Our hope is in the power of God working through the hearts of people, and that’s where our hope is in this country; that’s where our hope is in life." These words have been running through my head the past few days. There are many people asking, “Where is the hope?” Dear Christian sibling, we have the Hope living inside us! Our hope is “not in who governs us!” We can have hope in the fact that nothing can separate us from God or his love! (Rom. 8:38&39)

Once we realize that we do have a Hope we must ask the question of Him, “What would you have me do in these times?” He has put us here because we have a job to do; He has put us here “for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14) When I finally realized and grasped this concept, my sinful anger turned into a Holy anger, my fear turned to boldness and my sadness to determination. It’s time to get busy dear ones. We are to keep busy before His return, for “we know not the time or the hour” and we don’t want Him to find us idle. (Read Mark 13) God gives each of us work to do and He expects us to faithfully go about the duties we have. He has given us all different duties, but some duties He gave to us all. We cannot fail Him now. We must be in constant prayer; we must all turn into prayer warriors. (Thes. 5:17) We must listen to the voice of God and follow it and no other. We must come together as believers and put our differences aside and work on the same team for the same Coach. We MUST tell others about the hope that we have! It’s time to get over our insecurities and whatever fears we have and tell others the good news. This is our job as Christians. We do not know what tomorrow brings, but we should stand in the security that our God knows and holds the future. We must stay true to this Country that God has put us in. It was founded on Biblical principles and it is our job, as believers, to preserve those truths. To love your Country and the principles that it was founded on does not, by any means, mean that you are ok with the way things are going. But if we are not ok with it, then just talking about it will do no good. We must act!

Revival has come about in this Country in some pretty low times because there were Christians that stood up to the sin and evil around them. Revival does not happen overnight though, and it doesn’t even begin with revival in the Nation; it starts with revival in individual hearts of believers. “Those who know your name will put their trust in You; For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.” (Psalm 9:10) We must put God first in our lives, before anything else. This is the first step that we, as individuals, must take to begin revival in our own hearts and homes. This is one of the main problems in the life of Christians today. There are too many “Sunday Christians” and not enough sold out Christians. Jesus said, “He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with me scatters.” (Matt. 12:30) It’s only when revival takes place in hearts of believers that we can move out and stir up revival in our Nation.

We need to remember that whatever happens, we will be ok, because our God is THE God. For those of you that feel afraid of what is to come just remember that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim. 1:7) We shouldn’t be afraid of the end anyway, because there IS no end for God’s children! We should want the same security for others as well. We have to share the greatest Truth of all with all. We must. “And the Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” (Rev.22:17) This is the time. This is the place. This is OUR time. I hope you join me in the steps of revival in your own hearts and homes and then in taking that revival out into the world. The end draws near brother and sister. Let’s not disappoint God in our lack of action. There is a Hope and His name is Jesus, our Bridegroom, Christ, The Good Shepherd, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Savior. Let’s stand together and share this Hope with the Nation and the World!

“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Tim. 2:1&2)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why Blog?

Ok, so I have a blog. What is it really? I guess it can be whatever you want it to be. Some people use it as a kind of diary, some for business or trips. I have a diary already and it's hard enough just making myself keep up with doing that, so I don't want another. I guess I got a blog so I could have a place to put down my heart and share it with others. There has been a lot going on in my heart and mind lately, so I really haven't even known where to start as far as a blog is concerned. Writing out my thoughts help me to organize them better though, so I just need to do it more. Hopefully, I will have another post soon and it will be deeper and more thought provoking.

Friday, July 11, 2008

I left a piece of my heart in St. Lucia

My husband and I went to St. Lucia on our honeymoon two years ago and then went back for our two year anniversary this past April. We stayed at the same Sandals Resort both times. The first time we stayed at the resort the whole time. Everything was there that we needed. This past time though, we wandered outside the resort to explore the island and meet some of the locals. It was a great experience! I love the island and it's people. Everyone is so friendly there and they have a motto of "No worries, no problems." Things are not so rushed and fast-pace like they are in the states, especially the north. When we asked our guide if everyone on the island was as nice as it seemed, he told us that, for the most part, everyone was very friendly, but it was the people that started getting "busy" and hectic that weren't the friendly ones. Many of the people on the island are very poor, but even they seemed happy with what they had. Theirs is a culture like no other. I love St. Lucia and can't wait to go back!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Your Line

I stopped my car in the road today as a line of cars on their way to a funeral went by. I paused to wonder what that person's life was like, who they were, how old they were when they died and where they were now. It got me thinking, so many people today say that they are Christians, but they are not living for Christ. They are wasting their life. What are you really doing? Who are you really living for? What have you done for others lately? Would you have done everything the same today if Jesus had been right by your side, watching you the whole time? He was. It wont really matter what the two dates are on your tomb-stone one day. What will matter is the line between the two...

A beginning and an ending, dates upon a stone
But the moment in the middle is how we will be known
Cause what defines us can be found within a line
Finding reason for our time
chorus: And the years go by, how they seem to fly
They'll all be over soon
When our life is done, did we live and love
The way we wanted to
Cause everyday that we leave behind
Goes on to tell the truth
Of how we lived in the line between the two

Will I walk straight, will I be true
Will I finish strong
Will I stand up for the moment
When I could right a wrong
Because the legacy we leave will never change
It's how we spend our days

I could live a life for just myself
Or I could live a life for someone else
But I'll live and die just to hear You say
Well done my son come and be with Me

Mark Harris